Might you remember what grade you might have gotten in your sophomore year in English? Since I think at this moment in life I deserve an A+ because of multiple reasons, some of which being the moments on where I shine brighter than the sun during class discussions, and also when I get my work done and turned in faster than the road runner running at the speed of light on route 66. I plan to convince my teacher Mr. Allam on how I think I deserve an A+
Some people might say that I overdo things too much and try to "show off" but I might sometimes, but I don't intentionally try to. I just like people to know that when i need to or want to go above and beyond and show that i know more than I actually show. I'll admit, that sometimes I do seem to overdo it, but I am proud when I say that I overdo it, it makes me know that people see me as a leader and a achiever, not a bare minimum. If others don't like that I go overboard with my writing, then that is their problem and definitely not mine.This is my opinion of my own writing and how I feel about other people and their opinions..
I think I deserve an A+ because of when I shine brighter than the sun itself during class discussions. Some examples of my brightness is when we are doing the gallery walk, and most people don't really go deep into the picture to see what the whole point of the picture is. I go beyond the painting and the surface by figuring out what the author might be hiding from the actual viewer. Painting and/or poetry make riddles that you have to dig deep into the painting or poem to figure out the main point of the drawling/poem. It makes you think, which is one of my more stronger points. Sometimes I might make it too complicated by going too deep, but that is normally on a rare occasion. I also shine by overachieving on different papers that I want to do right now. When you tell us that the paper has to be five paragraphs, I want to go for eight or ten. I like showing that I can be one who can overdo, but can also be a lot descriptive in my writing and make it "touching" to some people. I have learned that doing the bare minimum won't pass, and that sometimes you have to go above and beyond to prove that you know what you are doing and to let other people know that you can do a lot more and go above and beyond with your writing when needed to. This is one reason on why I think that i shine brighter than the sun and deserve an A+
My other reason on why I think i deserve an A+ is because of myself getting my work done and turned in faster than the road runner running at the speed of light on route 66. I feel that I might be an overachiever with my own work and getting it turned in faster than I normally would. Even though you have a different grading system with the 3P's, it doesn't mean to slack off, it means to work harder and to go above and beyond with your own work. Turn in the work even faster than you normally would; not to show off, but to prove to yourself and your teacher that you won't slack off even when the work you do won't be graded. It is always a good thing to work at anything at your hardest, and not your bare minimum. I used to think working at a minimum was a perfect thing, but now that I am almost close to graduating, I need to work 110% harder and be good at what I know I am good at, and that would have to be writing and reading. This is my other reason on why I think I deserve an A+.
As you can see, lacking off and not doing your very best can be a very bad thing. It is always to work at your #1 best performance and not to slow down, even if you are extremely bored and don't want to work on that thing at that moment. It will keep you knowing that when you graduate, it will always pay off at the end, no matter if you think it is a waste of time. I will always work at my 100% on anything and everything, no matter what. This is why I think I deserve an A+ in my English class of 2011.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
My Sonnet Called Techno
By: Justin Leon
Techno, the rhythm is amazing
The beat is fast,
Close your eyes and see the flames blazing
With strokes that glow from the past
Neon Lights shine with each beat
The flash glows with entertainment,
That gives off a radiance of heat.
It makes you give up your mind as payment
As I pay the price
My soul is dying
I close my eyes and roll the dice
As they land, my heart is sighing
So listen to the words as they play
Live the life; sing the song, smile,
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Outside Reading Book: 4th Quarter Reflections
I wonder If Justin really does have feelings for Ellynor. He seems to like her, and she seems to like him, it is just that she keeps trying to avoid him. Justin keeps trying to get closer to Ellynor and she keeps trying to avoid.. Is Justin obsessed? He said before he hasn’t really “loved” someone, so it might be him trying to show it and not just doing it just to do it. It kind of depends on what Ellynor wants to do with him and try to get out of the Lumanen Covenant. If Justin would stop trying to see Ellynor, then maybe she would want to see him more and leave with him back to the Lirrens.
If I were in Justin’s situation, I would leave Ellynor, and not get into anything that would ruin his abnormal life. He is a Kings Rider and there is no need for him to actually love this girl who is more than likely too young for him anyways. They will always be different and that is how it will be. He needs to know that. Plus if I were in Tayse’s situation, I would have married Senneth, but tried to keep his status as a Kings Rider as well. If he can’t, then where is he going to turn? Where else would he go if he can’t seem to do anything that would help him, or Senneth? He can’t do anything about losing his status if he loses it, so shouldn’t he be trying to find some other type of mercenary job just in case? I would and I think Senneth needs to know that as well.
If Justin keeps trying to see Ellynor, then how is he going to keep seeing Tayse and Senneth and Kirra and Donnal, Even Cammon? He would lose them all and there would be nothing he could do about it until he finally figures out that he can’t have Ellynor, Just like Tayse can’t Have Senneth, even though he did propose. It would hurt their reputation as a Kings Rider. What will the other Riders think of Justin and Tayse? He wouldn’t be getting far if he kept doing what he is doing. Plus even ruining their rep by being two of the beat Riders that they have ever had, would probably kill them all and the King would lose his throne. I don’t think they would want to see that.
Although it seems that Donnal loves Kirra, that she doesn’t love him back. It seems to me that Kirra loves Justin, But Justin loves Ellynor. How does that work out? Since Donnal had promised to stay by Kirra’s side even though he had to leave. Plus Donnal actually told Kirra into the face that he loved her. Does she love him as so? Donnal might be jealous thinking that Kirra loves Justin because she is spending more time with Justin that him. It could be a jealousy factor. That is what I think it is, but Kirra might just be very good friends with Justin. It even seems like Justin might like Senneth as well even though she is with Tayse at the moment. I won’t know until I get farther into the book.
I’m not sure on how the book is going to end since there are so many turns and twists that you need a paper and pen to keep up. Since Justin is going to need to learn how to leave Ellynor and for Donnal to get over Kirra and Justin. It will have its own course. It will have to be how he needs it to be and how the author makes it. Sharon Shinn makes the book very interesting and a good way to keep you reading, but she also can make it kind of difficult if you don’t follow the whole book. So let’s see how far it leads and hopefully it will resolve itself. If not, then I expect for there to be some sort of drama.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Concrete Poem( The worst one yet :D )
The ball in my hand.
I throw the ball down the lane.
I'm scared about not getting a strike.
I got 1!
The ball in my hand.
I throw the ball down the lane.
I'm scared about not getting a strike.
I got 1!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Parent Letter
Dear Sharon and Father:
Have you always wanted something that you know you cannot have without parent consent? Since I have something that I want, but I cannot have that unless you will help me with it. It is indefinitely my grounding. I have changed dramatically and even though I do not show it, I have and I learned that I need to show instead of just trying to tell you. It makes it easier to show it than not to. I know what I did was wrong, and that I might have taken it off the limb, but it will not ever happen again. I did not like it before, nor will I ever try again. I would like my grounding removed for multiple reasons, some of which being that I can prove that I won’t let you down, to also tell you that I have learned my lesson, and that the whole punishment has been extremely effective.
I know that you would have the way of saying that my grounding is for my own good and that I was the one who caused it, but even if it is, how can it be if I am always suffering all the time? This punishment does help, and it was very effective. I just want my life back. I have learned my lesson and I want it back. I wouldn’t let you down, not for an instant. I would do what you ask me to do, and even do more! I will go up and beyond to ease the stress around the house and do even more than what you two ask me to do. I just want everything back and to actually have 1v1 time with dad. I feel it might help. So let’s work together and finish this punishment once and for all.
I think my grounding should be removed because I have learned my lesson. I really want everything back. I want everything back for my gaming, And not to be bored. The gaming that I need to finish is Dragon Age, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, and my football as well. Then I can enjoy life knowing those are finished and not have to worry about them anymore. I could also know that I can enjoy life knowing also that if I were to mess up, I can regroup from that and not make the same mistakes, which I doubt would happen again since I don’t want to lose everything again. I have learned my lesson and feel that I won’t make the same mistake again. This is one of my reasons for wanting my grounding removed.
My other reason for writing this paper and to ask you about my grounding is that the punishment was effective and feel that you should give me a second try to prove myself. My kids would want to hear funny stories about when I was a kid and want to have some to tell them when I get older. If I actually do have kids, I want to tell them I had the best parents that anyone else could have. I have always wanted to know that I have amazing parents and right now, it just does not seem like it. It seems like everyone is turning on me and making me seem like the bad person. I could even say I had a amazing childhood. So show me that you care for me and hopefully remove my grounding. Even shortening it would be appreciated.
So as you can see, I think I put up one heck of an argument, wouldn’t you agree? My reasons took me awhile to come up with since I want to have a good argument. You might agree, but you also might disagree, I am not here to make that decision. That is up to you. So please, remove my grounding, make it shorter, do whatever you can just to relieve me from this torture.
Your Loving Son,
Justin Leon
My Riddle Poem
The Devils plentiful Treasure
I’m as black as midnight, but light as day.
I can be seen during the day, but indivisible at night.
People resemble me as a king’s rider; embroidered in silver and black,
Can you guess who thy I?
I strike fear when someone sees me,
Black, devious, and full of killing and deaths.
People scream in panic to get away from my master.
Or else, their gone.
I like watching people scream when they see me.
I even like people showing motionless, covered in blood.
I like doing what my master says, which is of course kill,
But most of all, I like doing what you tell me to do.
May you guess who I might be?
But I warn thee, three tries is all thou shall have.
But then if thou are wrong, it’s your life that shall be mine.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Persuasive Essay: Julius Caesar
Friendship is something that you should never put to waste. It will take you long ways, but it can also take you nowhere. Always choose your friends wisely, or they could come back to haunt you. I feel from my rein of dying during my rein, that friends are something you should always choose with exquisite thinking for every one of them. Friendship should be never messed with for multiple reasons, some of which being that they can backstab you. But they can also comfort you.
Friends are someone who will be there for you and not turn on you to backstab you. They will always be with you, but also could turn on you if you are not cautious. I would be in the middle of having friends and not having friends. Since I made myself look selfish and made myself look like a rude man, I should have been more generous. My will made up for everything that I might have done wrong to some, but to others, it could mean that they want more. I don’t have much to offer anymore since as you can see, I’m dead. Hopefully that helps. Maybe? If not, then just listen to me for a second. We have no reason to kill a traitor for killing me. It just will create which will then cause more death. At a time when our country is in so much pain and turmoil, we should unite.
True friends won’t turn their back on you no matter what happens. They might hate you for a couple of days, but will still be your friend. I find that a solid friendship is important to have in your life. Even if you are mad at Cassius, Brutus, and the Conspirators, as I am, I still hold them as friends. True friends will always be on the lookout for you, for if you get into some trouble, your friends will always support you. This is a good quality to have in a solid friendship. Also, I love to have friends who will always be with me. True friends are someone who will come to you and talk with you about it, finding something that they have a problem with.
True friends can be on your side, but they also can turn on you. Just like the Conspirators did. They killed me and every one of you turned on me because you thought I was selfish. Well I wasn’t trying to be selfish. I was just doing the best for Rome. They will always try to get the chance to turn on you. I have had an experience with a friend turning on me. I didn’t like it whatsoever. It has the chance to lead to a loss of trust and a lean off of you.
So, off of what I had just mentioned in this letter, Friendship is something you shouldn’t take lightly. Fate takes over and it could be one of your best friends, or it could be your worst nightmare! Never take any type of friendship lightly; it could lead to your demise or your perfect match. So friendship should never be messed with for multiple reasons, and those reasons being that they can backstab you, but they could also always be there for you.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
POW #4: Does the opposite sex ever just make you mad?
Dear Brutus,
I Have been having trouble with my wife. She is killing me, making me stay home, not be able to go to work, what will i do with her? Anyways how is everything going? Does my crown look shiny and my throne as sparkly as ever? I hope it does since thou shall come to check when i get the chance.
So hurry and make haste,
Lord Caesar
Dear Caesar,
My wife is destroying me. She won't listen to the stress i have been having. It is killing me! I don't have any clue on how i am going to fix this. We need to work on it, Come up with a plan.
So lets hurry and make haste to our wives,
I Have been having trouble with my wife. She is killing me, making me stay home, not be able to go to work, what will i do with her? Anyways how is everything going? Does my crown look shiny and my throne as sparkly as ever? I hope it does since thou shall come to check when i get the chance.
So hurry and make haste,
Lord Caesar
Dear Caesar,
My wife is destroying me. She won't listen to the stress i have been having. It is killing me! I don't have any clue on how i am going to fix this. We need to work on it, Come up with a plan.
So lets hurry and make haste to our wives,
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
POW #3 Letter to Dr. Berry
Dear Dr. Berry,
Snow days can be good, but they can also be bad. You are deciding if you should, or shouldn’t add two days to the end of the school year. I feel that you should add the two days to the end o the school year for multiple, but my top two reasons being the education that we will be missing, and also to give the kids something to do over the spring break.
I think kinds need a round year school year, but that is definitely out of my grasp. Kids on average don’t have anything to do on break. Quite frankly, I don’t have anything to do over the break, except helping my brother with guitar. They normally sleep and sleep some more. It gives them something to do for seven hours of the day to where they can find something to do, even if they don’t need it. Admittedly I know for a fact that most people will not allow for the extra two days occurring, but I am going to let them think that since they still don’t have anything to do, while you give them something to do.
Kids need their education for multiple reasons. When we actually leave for spring break, students forget months and months of education and knowledge that they normally wouldn’t forget if they had year round school. It leaves students and teachers stressed if the forget what he is trying to teach. To be quite honest, I forget knowledge of items I should know when I leave for break. It leaves kids and teachers mad and frustrated when the students forget something they should know. It also just gives the teacher more stress when the students cannot figure out what the teacher is saying when trying to teach. It also gives the students more stress when some people forget what they need to know for next year, while other students remember and keep the knowledge which causes stress by having to learn everything that they already know. It might lead as a review though. This is one of my main reasons on why you should add the two days to the end of the school year.
My second reason on why students should have the two days added to the end of the year is to give them something to do when they don’t normally. School gives them something to do instead of just letting them lope around and not do anything to help them or help their parents. If they actually has the days, then it can give them something to do by educating themselves because their parents have to go to work in order to pay for everything they you have as well as what they have. The students can contribute to the cause of their own home by helping themselves with some knowledge. Imagine if you are grounded and have nothing to do when you get home. How exactly would you spend the seven hours at the house if you can just spend them at school learning. It will take away half of their time of just sitting around doing nothing. It gives them something to do and keeps them educated.
So as you can notice, I am strong on the school days, but others might not be so. I would definitely go the school days if you were to add them to the end of the year. It would give some more education as well as giving kids something to do over the break. So please Dr. Berry, please add the two days to the end of the school year.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The wizard Heir by: Cinda Williams Chima

Sunday, January 23, 2011
POW #2

So if you want to learn anything about my Angel and I, which would be not to give her face paint and a clown picture that would freak anyone out of their minds! It will come back and bite you in the butt…
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
AOW #1
There are multiple reasons why Mrs. Byrnes should and shouldn’t be fired. They could take this as offensive, and some people couldn’t find why people find this not obsolete at all. These are some of the reasons she should and shouldn’t be fired.
She did absolutely nothing wrong by doing multiple things. For one, she gave the four girls permission to put the photograph on Facebook. She even made sure the placenta didn’t belong to anyone when she took the picture. She even had the right of Freedom of Speech by it being her own Facebook page. This is why I think on why she shouldn’t be fired.
Secondly I can understand why people would want her fired. For one, people could find the whole thing offensive in the world. Also they could find it inappropriate to the school, which I could see them being. People could even find it disturbing, which I could also see. Overall there are some good reasons on why she should be fired.
Overall, it looks practically the same on why she should and shouldn’t be fired, but I am on the side of that she shouldn’t be fired. She has good reasons on why she should keep her job and on why it couldn’t be bad enough to press charges. She needs to find justice on this whole case and know that she did absolutely nothing wrong what’s so ever!
She did absolutely nothing wrong by doing multiple things. For one, she gave the four girls permission to put the photograph on Facebook. She even made sure the placenta didn’t belong to anyone when she took the picture. She even had the right of Freedom of Speech by it being her own Facebook page. This is why I think on why she shouldn’t be fired.
Secondly I can understand why people would want her fired. For one, people could find the whole thing offensive in the world. Also they could find it inappropriate to the school, which I could see them being. People could even find it disturbing, which I could also see. Overall there are some good reasons on why she should be fired.
Overall, it looks practically the same on why she should and shouldn’t be fired, but I am on the side of that she shouldn’t be fired. She has good reasons on why she should keep her job and on why it couldn’t be bad enough to press charges. She needs to find justice on this whole case and know that she did absolutely nothing wrong what’s so ever!
Friday, January 7, 2011
POW #1 My Name is...
My name is Justin and i have much to tell about my name. On some cases, my friends usually call me Genesis ans Sephiroth. I hate it when people call me Justin Bieber. I just don't like it and i get pretty ticked off when they call me Justin Bieber. I had the choice of going to a Justin Bieber concert, so i went since i had nothing else to do. It was pretty sad when he got stuff thrown at him in the middle of his concert. I was laughing so hard. The history of my name comes from Italy. I do not know the exact origin of the name but i know for a fact it is from Italy. People also call me the car destroyer since i usually get ran over by go-karts on the weekends. I find it fun and other people find me pretty stupid to get ran over by them. I even get hit by an actual car. It was pretty funny. I wasn't hurt since the car was only going about 5 miles an hour. Genesis and Sephiroth i got from anime that i like. Plus i usually forge the swords that they have (It is usually foam).
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