Thursday, May 19, 2011

Final Writing Project

    Might you remember what grade you might have gotten in your sophomore year in English? Since I think at this moment in life I deserve an A+ because of multiple reasons, some of which being the moments on where I shine brighter than the sun during class discussions, and also when I get my work done and turned in faster than the road runner running at the speed of light on route 66. I plan to convince my teacher Mr. Allam on how I think I deserve an A+
    Some people might say that I overdo things too much and try to "show off" but I might sometimes, but I don't intentionally try to. I just like people to know that when i need to or want to go above and beyond and show that i know more than I actually show. I'll admit, that sometimes I do seem to overdo it, but I am proud when I say that I overdo it, it makes me know that people see me as a leader and a achiever, not a bare minimum. If others don't like that I go overboard with my writing, then that is their problem and definitely not mine.This is my opinion of my own writing and how I feel about other people and their opinions..
    I think I deserve an A+ because of when I shine brighter than the sun itself during class discussions. Some examples of my brightness is when we are doing the gallery walk, and most people don't really go deep into the picture to see what the whole point of the picture is. I go beyond the painting and the surface by figuring out what the author might be hiding from the actual viewer. Painting and/or poetry make riddles that you have to dig deep into the painting or poem to figure out the main point of the drawling/poem. It makes you think, which is one of my more stronger points. Sometimes I might make it too complicated by going too deep, but that is normally on a rare occasion. I also shine by overachieving on different papers that I want to do right now. When you tell us that the paper has to be five paragraphs, I want to go for eight or ten. I like showing that I can be one who can overdo, but can also be a lot descriptive in my writing and make it "touching" to some people. I have learned that doing the bare minimum won't pass, and that sometimes you have to go above and beyond to prove that you know what you are doing and to let other people know that you can do a lot more and go above and beyond with your writing when needed to. This is one reason on why I think that i shine brighter than the sun and deserve an A+
    My other reason on why I think i deserve an A+ is because of myself getting my work done and turned in faster than the road runner running at the speed of light on route 66. I feel that I might be an overachiever with my own work and getting it turned in faster than I normally would. Even though you have a different grading system with the 3P's, it doesn't mean to slack off, it means to work harder and to go above and beyond with your own work. Turn in the work even faster than you normally would; not to show off, but to prove to yourself and your teacher that you won't slack off even when the work you do won't be graded. It is always a good thing to work at anything at your hardest, and not your bare minimum. I used to think working at a minimum was a perfect thing, but now that I am almost close to graduating, I need to work 110% harder and be good at what I know I am good at, and that would have to be writing and reading. This is my other reason on why I think I deserve an A+.
    As you can see, lacking off and not doing your very best can be a very bad thing. It is always to work at your #1 best performance and  not to slow down, even  if you are extremely bored and don't want to work on that thing at that moment. It will keep you knowing that when you graduate, it will always pay off at the end, no matter if you think it is a waste of time. I will always work at my 100% on anything and everything, no matter what. This is why I think I deserve an A+ in my English class of 2011.

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